Power System Security Protection in Microgrids Based on Advanced Metering Infrastructure
Smart Grid, Power System Security, Microgrid, Energy, Advanced Metering InfrastructureAbstract
Modern electric power networks are progressively in demand for advanced protection systems due to the changing structures of the systems. In distribution power systems, emerging scenarios need some compelling protection efforts. In the last few decades, a lot of innovations such as Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) have made incursions into the electric power sector. The development of AMI has fostered the integration of smart meter systems in microgrids and distribution networks with the capability to permit communication between electricity customers and utility service companies. Control and monitoring of information with regard to energy consumption is a phenomenal task that requires advanced information and communication technologies including some other essential parameters in real-time. Smart meters integrated into microgrids enable the utility to develop an electric power business efficiently. Therefore, this paper presents a study on the experimental on overview and investigation of the energy consumption pattern and data validation of smart meters installed in a smart grid project deployed by PowerGen in Nigeria. In addition, a comprehensive review of the security threats and control measures in microgrids was also presented. The results obtained show that utilities can increase their situational responses in a timely manner to the occurrence of abnormalities in the power grid to provide better monitoring and control services to energy customers.
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