Design & Analysis of Hybrid Micro Grid with DC Connection at Back to Back Converter
Micro Grid, B2B Connection, DC Loads, MATLABAbstract
A micro grid is a localized grouping of electricity generation, energy storage, and loads that normally operate connected to a traditional centralized grid (macro grid). This single point of common coupling with the macro grid can be disconnected. The micro grid can then function autonomously. Generation and loads in a micro grid are usually interconnected at low voltage. From the point of view of the grid operator, a connected micro grid can be controlled as if it were one entity. Micro grid generation resources can include fuel cells, wind, solar, or other energy sources. The necessity of an AC or DC micro grid is governed by available micro sources and connected loads. A hybrid structure can ensure a sustainable configuration blending both the forms. In this paper, a hybrid micro grid structure for a grid connected micro grid with DC connection at back to back (B2B) converters is proposed. While a B2B connection between two AC systems could bestow a reliable, isolated and efficient coupling,an extra DC bus connection can facilitate use of the DC micro sources. The DC bus can supply the local DC loads and can also trade part of the power with the AC grids. The voltage support at the DC link (of the B2B converters) can be used for the DC bus formation. Different power management strategies with fixed power references or decentralized power distribution in AC/DC sides are proposed and validated with simulations in MATLAB.
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