A Comprehensive Review of Literature on Application of Distribution Generation in Smart Grid Application
Distribution Generation, Smart Grid, Power System Profile, Stability,, System Performance, Voltage StabilityAbstract
Smart Grid is future of the mankind. Embedded Applications, Power Generation and Distribution are integral part of smart grid application, and plays vital role in proficiency, performance, efficiency and stability of the system. Wide area distribution of embedded application in smart grid; demands critical focus on each integral part of Smart Grid System. Distributed Generation is most important part of any smart system. Application of Distributed Generation enhances efficiency, stability and profile of Smart Grid. This research article investigates the technique used in distributed generation in smart grid system. A comprehensive investigation is presented which includes key issues in the DG integrations; various DG technologies used so far, advantages and disadvantages of penetration of DG in smart grid application and research gap in the respective field. The article also discusses the penetration of DGs in the Indian power system in multidisciplinary context.
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