Performance Analysis of Hybrid Multi-Port AC-DC/DC-DC Embedded Based Energy Flow Optimizing Using Resilient Power Flow Control (RPFC) Technique
Deferrable load, Hybrid Energy Management, Energy Storage System, Resilient Power Flow Control (RPFC)Abstract
In recent decades, the utilization of renewable power sources has proven to be a reliable and clean vitality more universal, and with specific ultimate goals to achieve efficient and renewable energy power generation. The proposed system is improve the stabilize energy flow between micro grids and the main grid. The power generation of the each and every renewable sources are monitored and controlled by the proposed Resilient Power Flow Control (RPFC) system and also the energy flow variation of the grid system is analyzed and presented in this paper. This work demonstrates the role of energy routers in optimizing the efficient and flexible way of energy stabilization in grid system. This analysis model establishes the entire system, including power routers, interconnected microcircuits, and the main grid. Interconnected microcircuits were analyzed by various controller facilitated by power routers, and corresponding control strategies were developed. The proposed system shows the effectiveness and reliability of the control strategy for micro-grid interconnection and flexible energy flow correspondence.
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