Electoral System Optimization Through Voting Quorum, Voter Turnout, Candidate Viability, and Electoral Integrity Analysis
Electoral Systems, Voter Turnout, Candidate Viability, Voting System, Mathematical ModelingAbstract
Electoral systems are pivotal in shaping democratic governance; however, they often face challenges related to voter turnout, candidate viability, and electoral integrity. These challenges necessitate innovative solutions to optimize electoral processes while ensuring accuracy and fairness. This study aims to optimize electoral systems by analyzing the impacts of voting quorum, voter turnout, candidate viability, and electoral integrity. The goal is to develop and test a software-based voting system that addresses these critical factors while maintaining robustness and efficiency. A digital voting platform was designed, allowing users to log in using their surname and matriculation number. Each voter was enabled to cast a single vote per post, ensuring accuracy and uniqueness. The system incorporated automated candidate and voter registration processes, distributing unique voting credentials via email to registered voters. A mathematical model leveraging linear and nonlinear programming techniques was formulated to optimize electoral outcomes, addressing constraints such as quorum requirements, voter turnout, candidate viability, and integrity safeguards to prevent duplicate and invalid votes. The integration of the proposed parameters in the voting system significantly improved its integrity and efficiency. Empirical testing demonstrated high accuracy in vote counting and robust protection against fraudulent activities. The model achieved optimized outcomes by balancing the constraints and promoting an equitable electoral process. The findings highlight the effectiveness of incorporating mathematical modeling and secure software solutions in optimizing electoral systems. This framework provides a scalable and reliable approach to addressing the challenges of modern electoral processes, offering practical implications for enhancing democratic practices in electronic voting systems.
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