Implementation of RFID in Bus Boarding System for Visually Impaired People
Blind people, Navigation system, Ultrasonic sensor, PIC16F877A, RFID, Voice recognition moduleAbstract
As an engineer we have a social responsibility towards the improvement in our society. So for that reason we design a mechanism to help the blind people for travelling without any assistance by using our devices. Journey in a bus is a safe and comfort factor but navigation in outdoor environment is highly difficult for those who have congenital blindness or blind people. Several solutions have been proposed like walking stick or white cane, guide dogs and GPS guidelines to deal with this difficulty. Although some of them have shown to be useful in real scenarios, they involve an important deployment effort or use artifacts that are not natural for blind users. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a bus detection prototype using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for blind. RFID has the potential to be a useful aid with further standardization of RFID tags and improvement of current RFID readers. Here the system contains the RFID communication technology to communicate blind person with the bus. The two major parts are there. 1. RFID Tag (from bus). 2. RFID Reader (from blind people). Using the two things the blind person freely uses the transport system without any assistance.
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